The best situation comedies since 2010

It is a common complaint that there are not any great sit coms any more. Well, these  five are simply wonderful and prove that line is not true!

5. ” Outnumbered” It started before 2010 but it is one of the great sit coms of any date. it has humanity and wit – two more things than ” My family” then!


4.” This is Brian Pern. ”  A comedy about a progressive rocker who bears an uncanny resemblance to Peter Gabriel (who cameos a couple of times as a kind of stalker.) It joyfully sends up all those great BBC4 Rock documentaries. A joy!

3. “Car Share.” Peter Kay goes to work in  a car with his friend and both of them fail to realise just how much they love each other. Sit coms are about trapped people and you cannot get more trapped than being in a car.

2. Detectorists.  The gentle story of two men obsessed with metal detectors sees MacKenzine Crook and Toby Jones give outstanding performances. The story of people who really do obsess about ” the Challenge” ( ” University Challenge.”)


1. Rev. Tom Hollander as the hard pressed rev of an inner city parish is heaven. Olivia Coleman as his long suffering wife, Ralph Fiennes as a bishop who has a touch of Ponitus Pilate about him and Liam Neeson as .. well, Jesus. This has great depth – it is a satire, commentary and spiritually uplifting.

Behind the Scenes of Rev

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Christian, writer and teacher.

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